<need photo> Since Don’s retired from Etherington Conservation Services, we share the studio where we work and teach. Every day we are happy to go in to work on our commissions or some experiments that make us feel still part of the bookbinding world…we try not to be stuck in the old traditions.(mostly me!!!)
Don Etherington is the Director of the Book Conservation Program at the American Academy of Bookbinding. Nationally and internationally recognized for innovative design and implementation of state-of-the-art conservation procedures, including phased preservation programs for libraries and institutions, Don brings over 60 years of professional experience to the AAB. After extensive training in England, he established a four-year program in bookbinding and design at Southampton College of Art and conducted workshops and seminars for colleges, universities and the Guild of Bookworkers. President of the Etherington Conservation Services in Greensboro, N.C., Don also holds the position of Fellow in both the American Institute for Conservation and the International Institute for Conservation. Other professional affiliations include the Guild of Bookworkers (Past chairman, Standards Committee); Accredited Fellow, Institute of Paper Conservation in England; and member of the American Library Association.
President of the Etherington Conservation Services in Greensboro, N.C., Don also holds the position of Fellow in both the American Institute for Conservation and the International Institute for Conservation. Other professional affiliations include the Guild of Bookworkers (Past chairman, Standards Committee); Accredited Fellow, Institute of Paper Conservation in England; and member of the American Library Association.
Professional Experience:
• 2005 – Present:
President, Etherington Conservation Services, a division of The HFGroup, LLC, Brown, N. C.
• 2001 – 2005:
President and Owner, Etherington Conservation Services, Inc.
• 1987 – June 2001:
President, Etherington Conservation Services
– Established the conservation division for ICI in 1987. Responsible for the conservation and preservation of library and archival materials. Quality control supervisor for Library Bindery divisions of ICI. Product development and evaluation, and testing of new archival materials using equipment from the Barrow Book Testing Laboratory.
• 1980 – 1987:
Assistant Director & Chief Conservation Officer, The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas
– Developed and directed a comprehensive conservation program for the HRHRC Collections. Designed the book, paper, and photographic labs and training programs. Directed a staff of 22 and implemented programs for the custodial divisions. Established conservation theory and developed new treatment techniques for book conservation. Conducted seminars and workshops sponsored by the HRHRC.
• 1976 – 1979:
Assistant Restoration Officer, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
– Directed the Restoration Office. Personally carried out the most complicated procedures in the area of book conservation. Conducted seminars and workshops domestically and internationally. Established the phased preservation program.
• 1970 – 1976:
Training Officer, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
– Trained a conservation staff of 35. Carried out programs for the custodial divisions. Developed new techniques in book conservation. Analyzed the problems of conserving large collections.
• 1970 – 1976:
Private Conservator
– Established a conservation program for works of art on paper, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Conserved paper artifacts and books. Surveyed collections of rare books and manuscripts. Major commissions listed below under surveys.
• 1960 – 1970:
Lecturer, Southampton College of Art, England.
– Developed a four- year program in bookbinding and design resulting in accreditation and a City and Guild certificate.
• 1967 – 1969:
Training Consultant, Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence, Italy.
– Trained regional volunteers in book conservation practices after the 1966 flood.
• 1958 – 1959:
Conservator, Roger Powell & Peter Waters, Conservators; Hampshire, England.
• 1958 – 1959:
Conservator, Music Library, British Broadcasting Corporation, London, England.
• 1951 – 1958:
Apprentice, Harrison’s & Company, London, England.
– Worked on commissions for the Royal Family. Prepared presentation volumes.
Surveyed the collections of the institutions listed below and made recommendations for conservation programs and practices:
• Corcoran Gallery of Art (1975)
• American Institute for Architecture (1977)
• Volta Bureau (1978)
• Blair House (1978)
• Gallaudet College (1978)
• Northeast Document Conservation Center (1979)
• Consortium of libraries under the auspices of the Association for Higher Education; (1981–1982) Southern Methodist University, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Christian
University, Texas Women’s University, University of Texas Health Science Center in Dallas.
• Northwestern University (1982)
• Roscoe Pound Law Library (1984)
• New York University Law Library (1984)
• The Historic New Orleans Collection (1985)
• Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles County (1985)
• Princeton University, New Jersey (1990)
• Consultant to HBW Associates Inc. in planning conservation workshop space and equipment needs. Advisor of environmental controls for specific areas of the library e.g. Special Collections department.
• Nevada State Library
• Connecticut State Library
• The Roudnice Lobkowicz Library Collection in Nelahozeves Castle, Czech Republic
• The Hassan Fathy Archives Collection, library of The American University in Cairo
Workshops & Lectures:
American Institute for Conservation, Annual Meeting – Mexico City, Mexico (1975)
“Rare Book Boxing” program at The Library of Congress.
“The Preservation of Library Materials.” University of California, Santa Cruz, Summer Programs (1976–1981) Lectures and demonstrations at 3-day workshops.
“Phased Preservation Programs,” and “Conservation of Library Materials & the Library Binding Industry.” Library Binding Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1978); Orlando, Florida (1984).
“Rare Book Conservation,” and “Phased Preservation Programs & Project Design.” University of Maryland, College Park Campus (1979). Lectures to the College of Library & Information Services.
“Conservation of Archival Materials.” University of Texas at Austin, HRHRC Conservation Department Annual Seminars (1982–1985). Lectures and demonstrations at 3-day workshops.
“Guarding and Endpaper Construction,” “Paring Leather Covers,” “Repairing of broken leather joints.” Guild of Bookworkers, Annual Seminar on “Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding,” (1982–1984 and 1991).
“Administrative Models for the Organization of Preservation/Conservation,” “The Preservation of Maps, Posters and Manuscripts.” American Library Association/Library of Congress; Annual seminar on “Library Preservation” and “Implementing Programs” (1984–1985).
Nelahozeves Castle, Czech Republic; 5-day workshop on preservation techniques for personnel of The Roudnice Lobkowicz Library.
Major Projects:
Consultant and project director for treatment and display of the 1297 copy of the Magna Carta, belonging to Ross Perot of Dallas. Responsible for transportation and display at four institutions. (1986–1987)
Consultant and project director for conservation and display of the Texas Declaration of Independence, 1836. (1986)
Conservator responsible for treatment and housing of the “Constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.” (1989)
Conservator responsible for treatment and display of the State of Virginia’s copy of the “Bill of Rights”. Responsible for transportation and display throughout a nationwide tour. (1990)
Consultant to the Academy of Sciences in Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Russia (1988). Invited speaker at the Leningrad conference on Conservation and Disaster Recovery. (1990)
Consultant to the National Archives in Washington D.C. on the design for the re-encasement of the Charter of Freedom Documents. (1998)
Consultant to the Norman Lear Family Foundation on the display and encasement of the Declaration of Independence (Dunlap broadside). (2001)
Roberts, Matt & Etherington, Don. Bookbinding And The Conservation Of Books: A Dictionary Of Descriptive Terminology (Signed copies available for purchase through Don, $75). Washington, D.C., Government Printing Office, (1982) .
Bookbinding & Conservation: A Sixty-Year Odyssey of Art & Craft
Professional Societies And Organizations:
1965 – Present Designer Bookbinders, London, England
1970 – Present Guild of Bookworkers, New York; Chairman, Standards Committee 1979-1985
1970 – 1981 Washington Conservation Guild, Washington D.C.; Vice President 1979
1972 – Present American Inst. for Conservation, Washington D.C.; Fellow, Certified Paper Conservator 1977
1978 – Present Institute of Paper Conservation, London, England
1978 – Present Hand Bookbinders of California, San Francisco
1980 – Present American Library Association, Chicago, A.L.C.T.S.
1981 – 1987 Southwest Association for Conservation, Austin; President and Founder, 1981
1982 – Present International Institute for Conservation, London, England; Fellow
1984 – 1987 AMIGOS Bibliographic Council; Dallas Preservation Committee
1948 – 1951 Central School of Arts and Crafts, London, England; Studied bookbinding methods and theory under George Frewin
1951 – 1958 London School of Printing, London, England; Studied bookbinding and design
1971 – 1973 Smithsonian Institute, Chicago, Illinois; Studied chemistry for conservators
1972 McCrone Institute, Chicago, Illinois; Studied microscopy for conservators
1975 – 1979 Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; Supervisory courses.